the swedish rite
The four Grand Lodges in Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Iceland are all working “The Swedish Rite” which was developed in Stockholm during the second half of the 18th century and finished in the year 1800 under the leadership of Duke Carl, later King Carl XIII.
The four Orders, Swedish Order of Freemasons (SFMO), Danish Order of Freemasons DDFO), The Norwegian Order of Freemasons (DNFO) and The Icelandic Order of Freemasons (IFMO), are all sovereign Masonic bodies working the same rituals.
In Finland there is a Grand Chapter which as a part of the Swedish Order of Freemasons is working The Swedish Rite.
The Swedish Rite
The Swedish Rite has its origin in the work led by first Carl Friedrich Eckleff and subsequently Duke Carl of Södermanland (the later King Carl XIII of Sweden) during the second half of the 18th century and finished in 1800.
The rituals and the fundamental laws of Carl XIII governing the system still constitute – with few modifications – the foundation for the work in The Swedish Rite.
It is a progressive, continuous and homogenous system through its eleven degrees.
Each degree leads to the next and each degree sums up the contents of the preceding degrees To ensure that each degree is kept separate and distinct, different lodge rooms are used, each specially designed for its degree.
The way of working is also unique based on the lodge room, the ritual and the individual examination in each degree.
There is one ritual for advancement in each degree and the Worshipful Master follows a manuscript when working a Lodge but some parts of the ritual must be memorised and performed by heart.
The system is grouped into three divisions with ten degrees altogether, which every brother can reach eventually.
Progression through the degrees is slow, especially in the higher degrees, although with some variation between the four countries. A brother will typically reach the X degree after some 12-20 years’ time.
The last (XI) 11th degree called Knight Commander of the Red Cross is almost exclusively for officers in the Grand Lodge.
St John’s (Craft) degrees (I – III): 1st degree – Apprentice, 2nd degree – Fellow Craft and 3rd degree – Master Mason. This division is closely related to the rituals in Craft lodges and the normal time for a brother is to be a raised Master in two to three years.
St Andrew’s (Scottish) degrees (IV-VI): 4th-5th degrees –Very Worshipful Apprentice and Fellow of St Andrew, and 6th degree – Illustrious Scottish Master of St Andrew.This division follows the St John’s degrees as the degrees in Mark Master Masons and Royal Arch does in other jurisdictions, and has its own rituals and lodge rooms. A brother can reach the sixth degree in about four to six years.
Chapter degrees (VII – X): 7th degree – Very Illustrious Brother, 8th degree – Most Illustrious Brother, 9th degree – Enlightened Brother of St. John’s Lodge and 10th degree – Very Enlightened Brother of St. Andrew’s Lodge.
This division is related to rituals in Great Priories and Supreme Councils but has its own rituals and lodge rooms. A brother can reach the tenth degree in some 12-20 years after his entry as an apprentice in the St John’s Lodge.
The Chapter also includes the final (XI) degree: Most Enlightened Brother, Knight Commanders of the Red Cross. This degree is almost exclusively for officers in the Grand Lodge and Provincial Grand Masters.
The Swedish Rite is based on the Christian faith.
In The Swedish Rite the brother is supposed to be searching for his personal development and to practice friendship and charity.
He is supposed to accept the Christian faith. During his travel through the degrees he is supposed to grow in his own understanding of the basic principles of Christianity that should bring value to his life and develop his relation to his fellow brother.
In this way he is also supposed to grow in his understanding of and his belief in God. Likewise he is guided closer to the answers to the eternal questions: Where have I come from, what is my task in life and where am I heading to?
During the whole progress from the first degree to the tenth, the brother is member of the same Order. Each division of degrees: the St John’s Lodge, the St Andrew’s Lodge and the Chapter, enjoys a certain amount of autonomy, but they are all nevertheless under the rule of the Sovereign Grand Master.
Grants are distributed from the Board of Benevolence of the Swedish
Order of Freemasons, from Lodges and Fraternal Societies and from funds under
the jurisdiction of the Swedish Order of Freemasons to a total amount of SEK
45 million annually (approx. $ 5 millions).
Donations and grants are distributed in the following main areas:
Scientific research in geriatrics.
Geriatric activities.
Actions against narcotics among young people.
• Aid
to disabled young people.
• Aid
to young people adrift.
Donations and scholarships to young artists, writers and artisans.
Grand Lodges etc. in amity
– Gran Lògia d’Andorra
– Grossloge von Österreich
– Oberster Rat für Österreich der Freimaurer des AASR
– Grande Loge Régulière de Belgique
– Grand Chapitre de l’Arche Royale de Belgique
– Grand Prieuré de Belgique
Bosnia and Herzegovina
– Grand Lodge of Bosnia and Herzegovina
– United Grand Lodge of Bulgaria
Czech Republic
– Grand Lodge of the Czech Republic
– Grand Lodge of Croatia
– Grand Lodge of Cyprus
– The Danish Order of Freemasons – Grand Lodge of Denmark
– United Grand Lodge of England
– Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of England
– Supreme Council 33° of the Ancient and Accepted Rite for England and
Wales and its Districts and Chapters Overseas
– Great Priory of England and Wales
– The Grand Imperial Conclave for England and Wales and its Divisions
Conclaves Overseas of the Masonic and Military Order of the
Red Cross of
Constantine and the Orders of the Holy Sepulchre and of St
John the
– Grand Lodge of Estonia
– Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Estonia
– Grand Chapter of Royal Arch of Estonia
– Supreme Council 33o for the Ancient and Accepted Ritefor Estonia
– The Grand Lodge of F&A Masons of Finland (Suomen v. ja o.m.
– The Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Finland
– Royal Arch Grand Chapter of Finland
– Supreme Council 33° for Finland
– Great Priory of Finland
– Grand Imperial Conclave of Finland. Red Cross of Constantine
– Grande Chapitre de l’Arche Royale pour la France
– Grand Loge Nationale Francaise (GLNF)
– Grand Prieuré des Ordres Unis, Maçoniques, Religieuses et Militaires
de Temple et de Saint-Jean de Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodos et Malte pour la
– Grand Prieuré Rectifé de France
– Grosse Landesloge der Freimaurer von Deutschland
– Vereinigte Grosslogen von Deutschland
– Oberster Rat für Deutschland der Freimaurer des alten und angenommenen
Schottischen Ritus
– Orden der Tempelritter, Grosspriorat von Deutschland
– Grand Lodge of Greece
– Great Priory of Greece
– Symbolic Grand Lodge of Hungary
– The Icelandic Order of Freemasons – Grand Lodge of Iceland
– Grand Lodge of Ireland
– Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Ireland
– Supreme Council 33° for Ireland
– Gran Loggia Regolare d’Italia
– Grand Lodge of Latvia
– Grand Lodge of Lithuania
– Grande Loge de Luxembourg
– Grand Lodge of Macedonia
– Sovereign Grand Lodge of Malta
– Grand Lodge of Moldavia
The Netherlands
– Grootoosten der Nederlanden
– Groot Kapittel der Nederland (Royal Arch Chapter)
– Opperaad voor het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden (33°)
– The Norwegian Order of Freemasons – Grand Lodge of Norway
– National Grand Lodge of Poland
– Grande Loja Legal de Portugal/GLRP
– Grande Priorado Independente da Lusitania
– Supremo Consehlno 33o para Portugal
– National Grand Lodge of Romania
– Grand Lodge of Scotland
– Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland
– Supreme Council 33° for Scotland
– Order of the Temple, Great Priory of Scotland
– Regular Grand Lodge of Serbia
– Grand Lodge of Slovakia
– Grand Lodge of Slovenia
– Gran Logia de España
– Supremo Consejo del Grado 33°
– Gran Priorado de España
– Schweizerische Grossloge (Alpina)
– Grand Prieuré Indépendant d’Helvétie
– Suprême Conseil 33° de Suisse
– Grand Lodge of Turkey
North America
– Grand Lodge of Alberta
– Grand Lodge of British Columbia
– Grand Lodge of Manitoba
– Grand Lodge of New Brunswick
– Grand Lodge of New Foundland & Labrador
– Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia
– Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario
– Grand Lodge of Prince Edward Island
– Grand Lodge of Quebec
– Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan
– Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Canada in the Province of
– Supreme Council 33° for the Dominion of Canada
– Sovereign Great Priory of Canada
– Grand Lodge of Alabama
– Grand Lodge of Alaska
– Grand Lodge of Arizona
– Grand Lodge of Arkansas
– Grand Lodge of California
– Grand Lodge of Colorado
– Grand Lodge of Connecticut
– Grand Lodge of Delaware
– Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia
– Grand Lodge of Florida
– Grand Lodge of Georgia
– Grand Lodge of Hawaii
– Grand Lodge of Idaho
– Grand Lodge of Illinois
– Grand Lodge of Indiana
– Grand Lodge of Iowa
– Grand Lodge of Kansas
– Grand Lodge of Kentucky
– Grand Lodge of Louisiana
– Grand Lodge of Maine
– Grand Lodge of Maryland
– Grand Lodge of Massachusetts
– Grand Lodge of Michigan
– Grand Lodge of Minnesota
– Grand Lodge of Mississippi
– Grand Lodge of Missouri
– Grand Lodge of Montana
– Grand Lodge of Nebraska
– Grand Lodge of Nevada
– Grand Lodge of New Hampshire
– Grand Lodge of New Jersey
– Grand Lodge of New Mexico
– Grand Lodge of the State of New York
– Grand Lodge of North Carolina
– Prince Hall Grand Lodge of North Carolina
– Grand Lodge of North Dakota
– Grand Lodge of Ohio
– Grand Lodge of Oklahoma
– Grand Lodge of Oregon
– Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania
– Grand Lodge of Rhode Island
– Grand Lodge of South Carolina
– Grand Lodge of South Dakota
– Grand Lodge of Tennessee
– Grand Lodge of Texas
– Grand Lodge of Utah
– Grand Lodge of the State of Washington
– Grand Lodge of Vermont
– Grand Lodge of Virginia
– Grand Lodge of the State of West Virginia
– Grand Lodge of Wisconsin
– Grand Lodge of Wyoming
– General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons for U S A
– Supreme Council 33° for the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of theUnited
States of America
– Supreme Council 33° for the Southern Masonic Jurisdiction of the
States of America
Latin America
– Gran Logia de la Argentina
– Grande Oriente do Brazil
– Grande Loja Maçônica do Estado de São Paulo
– Grande Loja Macônica do Estado do Espirito Santo
– Gran Logia de Chile
– Grand Lodge of India
– Grand Lodge of the State of Israel
– Grand Lodge of Japan
Australia and New Zealand
Australia and New Zealand
– United Grand Lodge of New South Wales
– United Grand Lodge of Queensland
– Great Priory of Queensland
– Grand Lodge of South Australia
– United Grand Lodge of Victoria
– Grand Lodge of Western Australia
– Great Priory of Western Australia
– Grand Lodge of Tasmania
– Supreme Council 33° for Australia
– Great Priory of Queensland
– Great Priory of Victoria
– Great Priory of Western Australia
– Grand Lodge of New Zealand
Revised: 2009-10-01